Divine Beings & Planes: RH'L5-L7
Personal Note: This is a speculative topic. In developing formulations, I have drawn upon social observations, general reading in comparative religion, and an imaginative sense of what is likely within THEE. I have been concerned to ensure clarity and coherence because that provides the best basis for others to criticize and suggest improvements.

Divinity : Holiness : Sanctity
The Beings and in the Divine Realm are something utterly apart from humanity. «Sacred» and «holy» are terms used to describe divinity, but they signify little except that there is something «above» the «profane» everyday human world. In order to grasp the seemingly ungraspable, there is a tendency to anthropomorphize these : so that a Creator-God and a Destructor-God/Devil are Supreme Beings enabling Divine Creation-L5, while Gods and Goddesses are the Cosmic Forces that express Divine Will-L6. However, the Universal Spirit existing in Divine Oneness-L7 often escapes this fate.
- For our everyday life, it is essential to recognize that these Divine Planes exert an influence on humanity. They exist to sustain our humanity over and above our material-biological condition.
- The Divine Planes can be grasped again by focusing on the two dimensions used to characterize lower —ethics and creativity.
- A brief introduction to each Divine Plane is provided below. More details will be provided in the Review section, and when examining Divine-Human Interactions.
Supreme Being & Divine Creation: RH'L5
The Supreme Being that can personify the Divine. The Supreme Being is held responsible for the physical universe. So this the source of ideas of «creationism» and «intelligent design». Here also is the inevitability of destruction, competition, ferocity and much that is naturally viewed as evil from a human perspective.
provides for unambiguous divinity. People feel the need to recognize aThe Supreme Being exists on the Plane of Divine Creation, and its focus is to be found in just like the . So it is natural to imagine a Creator-God producing the physical universe by .
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Human Representation: Being creative &/or destructive is viewed as natural for human beings. Until recently, creative powers were usually only acknowledged in those who are exceptional. Creative expression for such unusual people occurs as a transcendental force that uses a person's self as a vehicle. Many on the this experience, which may be mediated via transient states of .
recognizeCosmic Forces & Divine Will: RH'L6
The God-RH'L5 is described using like these, the speaker is either anthropomorphizing or moving up to this higher Plane, where the attributes are Model Beings.
provides for attributes of divinity like love, understanding, hate, mercy, anger, truth, patience, jealousy. WhenThese descriptive attributes are Cosmic Forces operating on a Plane of Divine Will and impelling specific forms of creation and destruction. In mythologies, they are envisaged as gods, goddesses, spirits, devas, daemons, devils, angels and similar imaginary beings.
The Cosmic Forces (or their embodiments) must obey their nature. Each is defined by a unitary purpose/value/mission/duty. Note that these are found in where the has its focus.
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Human Representation: Cosmic Forces are evidently the passions to which people submit (or with which they struggle) as part of being possessed, impelled, compelled, or inspired. While we human beings do have choice, these Cosmic Forces cannot be other than they are imagined to be. It is easy to experience them as compelling human responses and directing social endeavours. After all, that is just what our deepest do to us.
Universal Spirit & Divine Oneness: RH'L7
The Model Being is derived from it to integrate all divine entities, into one Being or State, and this is named here: Universal Spirit. Like , this Being depends on for its effects.
emphasizes oneness. So, aThe corresponding Plane of Divine Oneness provides for an absolute and permeating divinity in which there are no distinctions of any sort, especially: spirit v matter, and good v evil.
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Human Representation: Divine Oneness is the paradox that resolves all paradoxes, the first cause or Big Bang, the explanation that explains itself, the ever-present irremovable mystery of existence.
- From the Divine Realms is direct and unarguable. From the , Divine Creation can also be experienced and accessed. , the experience of all
- From the lower two , evidence is apparent, though probably without confidence unless supported by experiences in the .
- Those with exceptional creative powers experience a transcendental force that takes them over and would seem to come from Divine Creation-L5.
- The notion of being possessed, impelled or compelled aligns with the existence of Divine Will-L6.
- Finally, the sense that there is a spirit within the universe including human endeavour that gives it energy and provides order seems like evidence for Divine Oneness-L7.
- It is now time for a Review. This will also allow comparisons of the power exerted by each Model Being, how good and evil are handled, and more.
Originally posted: 14-Sep-2012